Monday 29 May 2017

When Losing Weight with Hypnosis Your Self-Image Matters

One of the challenges you face when you are working to shed excess pounds via weight loss hypnosis, especially of you are very overweight, is dealing with your self-image. You look at yourself in the mirror, and you don’t like what you see. You notice every little bit of fat. You look at other people, especially those skinny ones—even though they probably aren’t that healthy if they are model-thin—and you feel even fatter than you are.

Making it more difficult, of course, is the fact that losing weight takes time, especially if you do it properly, and the loss takes time to show, especially in the early stages. So even though your hypnotherapist has given you the tools to deal with cravings for food, and to increase your focus and self-confidence—and those will grow stronger over time—you still have to combat that negative image.

Here is a thing you can do.
More than likely, you have at least one photograph of yourself that was taken when you weighed less than you do now. First off, if that photo isn’t already in a frame, put it in one, just to make it feel a little more special. Then, put that framed photo in a prominent place, where you will see it all the time, and every time you look at it in passing, stop for a moment and say, “I am losing weight, and I am going to look like that again.” Say it out loud and say it with real feeling, like you mean it. That kind of self talk really does have an impact over time.

Also, spend at least a quarter to a half an hour everyday sitting and looking at that picture while you are in a light hypnotic trance. To do this you will use an alert, wide-awake trance, something your weight loss hypnotherapist will be able teach you if you haven’t learned about weight loss hypnosis already. While you are in that trance, looking at the picture, talk to yourself about the things that will be different in your life after you have reached your goal weight.

These are small things while following weight loss hypnosis treatment, but they will make a big difference.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Hypnosis: A Tranquilizer You Were Born With The Roots of Anxiety – Part Two

As we noted in the part one - A Tranquilizer You Were Born With The Roots of Anxiety, chronic anxiety can have many causes, and it affects different people in different ways. However, wherever it comes from, every case of chronic anxiety has at least two things in common.

First, while some people have an inborn tendency to worry a little more than others, no one is born with severe anxiety; it always has a cause—trauma. It may be physical, or emotional. It may be one terrible event, or a series of small things, like constant ridicule, that add up over time. When I was a pre-teen boy, my friends and I used to play a dumb little game where we took turns hitting each other’s biceps with a knuckle. The first few punches were nothing, but eventually the pain of the repeated punches was excruciating. The child who is repeatedly told he or she is stupid suffers the same eventual pain. The difference is that the pain from those punches on the arm went away. The pain of ridicule lasts.
The second thing that is true of chronic anxiety is that it engenders a sense of helplessness and impotence, a feeling that you cannot prevent bad things from happening to you. That, not surprisingly, leads to passivity, and an unwillingness to try to deal with negative people and events.
Sooner or later, most people suffering from chronic anxiety seek help. Too often, that means going to a physician and getting a prescription for whatever anti-anxiety medication is the latest cure-all. Or they may go online and seek out “natural” tranquilizers—kava, or lemon balm, or stinging nettle—to ease their anxiety.

There are numerous problems with that approach. A big one is that many of these medications are habit-forming, so that you actually wind up with two problems—your anxiety and drug dependence. Many of these medications, even if they help at first, lose their effectiveness over time; and many of them, often the most expensive ones, don’t work at all, right from the beginning.
There is a much better way. A growing body of research has clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of hypnosis and hypnotherapy in combating anxiety. The truth is, your brain has its own anti-anxiety chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, that can be mobilized to deal with anxiety.

In the coming blogs we will take a look at how that works.